Thursday, August 7, 2008

A PP'sPs about Updates

God is Great! This morning, Christy was able to remove the BI-PAP breathing apparatus! Her O2 levels are holding at 96-100% w/o the breathing help. What a blessing! She is mostly responsive, even though she's still a little loopy! We haven't talked to any docs yet this morning, so we don't know any further prognoses regarding the infection or the knee. I'll keep you updated throughout the day.

Thank everyone for your prayers and thoughts! They're working!


1 comment:

The Hibbard Family said...

I just read both posts about your wife. The girls and I are about to start school for the morning, and we will put both of you at the top of the prayer list. I'm so glad God is showing His amazing hand even now, and we'll be praying for that to continue!