Thursday, August 28, 2008

A PP'sPs about Apologies

Sorry! It has come to my attention that I have been lax in updating my blog. My bad!

Christy has actually had a rough couple of days. She spiked a temp last night and hasn't felt well for two days now. The primary issue is her arthritis. It has been almost a month since her primary disease-controlling injection med which is beginning to take its toll. She is in a great deal of joint pain which could be the culprit for the fever and difficulty breathing.

We saw the infectious disease doc today and he thinks that it is the JRA that is causing the pain, fever, and breathing problems. She will finish her antibiotic regiment and then hopefully resume her injection med. Until then, we are hoping her rheumatologist can come up with a pain management plan. Please pray that she can find comfort through the pain. Pray for her nurse (me), that I can take the best possible care of her.

Thanks for continuing to check up on us!


Monday, August 18, 2008

A PP'sPs about Normalcy

We are finally getting back to a bit of normalcy here in Cynthiana. I was able to be back in the pulpit yesterday which was a joy for me. Christy is paying bills which is a joy for her (JK!).

We are slowly figuring out the best way to get Christy around the house with one bad leg and one badder leg :)

Her pain is manageable, her breathing treatments are helping, and her spirits are high. We are enjoying God's blessing at home, as are the cats!

Continue to pray as I know you will. Remember Chris Wells as he goes for surgery on Weds.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

A PP'sPs about Home

Christy's home! Christy's home! Christy's home!

We finally got her home at about 3:30 this afternoon. She is settled in and enjoying being back with her kitty cats.

She is still having some knee pain and moving around doesn't help that. We are learning the best way to move her around with minimal pain. It will be an adjustment, but we know God will guide us in this. Julie is here as well, helping us adjust. She will stay with Christy tomorrow while I go to church. Pray for Julie as she is now trying to help us here while preparing for Chris's back surgery as well. She is under tremendous stress. Pray for strength.

I will continue to post regarding Christy's recovery here at home. If you would like to visit, just call ahead to make sure she is up to it.

We look forward to hearing from all of you.


Friday, August 15, 2008

A PP'sPs about Daughtry

In the words of Chris Daughtry, "I'm goin' home!"

Christy will be discharged from the hospital sometime on Saturday! All of her docs are thrilled with her progress and agree that she can continue her rehab at home w/ Dr. Josh (stupid people!). She is feeling great this evening and looking forward to seeing her kitty cats, CJ & Petra. I talked to them this evening and they are looking forward to momma coming home too.

I cannot express my gratitude & humility at the amazing response of prayer and support from all of our friends and family. We have no way to fully return the blessing. Only know that we love all of you and pray God's bountiful blessings on you all.

Please continue to pray as Christy will have difficult days ahead as she rehabs her knee. She will have to rely on an amateur for a caregiver (me) which will add to her difficulty. We know that God has been faithful and will continue to be so. Only pray that we are patient to see Him through.

Your fellow servant in Christ,


A PP'sPs about Non-ICU Rooms

Christy is no longer in ICU!

We were moved to a regular room (5155) at around midnight last night! All of her docs are thrilled with her progress and signed off on her move out of ICU.

Although we are glad to be out of ICU b/c of the implications (out of danger, on the mend), 5th floor East is not exactly paradise! Not 30 mins after getting settled in our room last night, there was a very loud and intense code across the hall. It was much louder all night than ICU, so that will be an adjustment. However, we are more than willing to make that adjustment to see Christy continue to improve.

We do have another prayer request that we would like to make you aware of, if you are not already aware of it. Chris (Christy's stepdad) learned yesterday that he has multiple slipped disks in his back which have been causing him excruciating pain for a while now. He will meet with a surgeon today and discuss his options. He is very miserable! Please be in prayer for his pain level as well as his meeting today, that God's will is done and Chris finds relief.

Thanks again!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

A PP'sPs about Christy II

Good morning from ICU!

Christy had a bit of a rough night with a stomach ache and trouble sleeping. They've given her something for that so she hopes to rest this morning. Otherwise, she is doing quite well.
There is even talk of moving her to a regular floor room later today. That is a sign that she is out of danger. We are praising God continually for His healing hand.

I was able to attend our prayer meeting and teach Bible study last night which was a real blessing. I love to preach and teach and felt blessed to be back in the saddle! God is Awesome!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A PP'sPs about Miracles II

Christy had a great night! She was able to sleep through much of the night and felt rested this morning. She ate a decent breakfast and is in good spirits. She's pretty worn out from a bath and breathing treatment, so she is gonna rest for the remainder of the morning.

What a tremendous turnaround we have seen! What an awesome God we serve!

To God be the Glory!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A PP'sPs about Miracles

God's gettin' His heal on!

Christy has made tremendous progress today. She is more alert than she has been since the seizure! Her vitals are fantastic and getting better. (heart rate - 93, Pulse ox - 100%, BP - 125/65)

She told us about a dream she had that she was in a Cowboy Hospital where they made her swim with her surgeon and his children. So, when her regular rheumatalogist, Dr. Neal, came by and told her she was at Central Baptist (not a Cowboy hospital), she was relieved and told us that she thought we had been lying to her all along!

God is awesome and so are you all! Continue to pray for further improvement.


A PP'sPs about Updates VII

Christy was finally able to rest some last night, meaning that Julie and I were able to rest some as well. That is a blessing.

She is a little more aware this morning and talking a little more. She says she is hungry, so Julie is going to try and feed her some breakfast. Hopefully, we can get some nutrition in her and get her stronger.

She is not out of the woods by any means, but we are seeing improvement. The docs are still not sure if it is the pneumonia or the meds that have her in this less-than-lucid state. We are praying that as they reduce her med levels she will continue to become more and more alert and cooperative.

I am in awe at how many prayer warriors are out there. I think we've got the entire globe covered! What a blessing!


Monday, August 11, 2008

A PP'sPs about Surgery II

We just talked to the surgeon after the surgery. He said that they were able to sedate her enough to do the surgery. He was able to insert 4 screws and secure the bone. He was less than thrilled with the condition of the bone, but that's not a surprise, given her arthritis. He will keep her in a bent brace to keep it somewhat immobilized.

We give God the glory for the success of the surgery! We now ask Him for mercy and relief from the pneumonia and drug semicoma.

Thank all who have called and come by. I regret that Christy has not been able to be visited, but getting to see you is a blessing none the less. Thank you.


A PP'sPs about Surgery

Christy has just been taken to the OR to repair her broken knee. The surgery will be minimally invasive as he will create holes to screw into the knee and stabilize it. There will be no incision, no bandage, no brace. The only concern will be the best way to further sedate her so that she feels no pain during the actual surgery.

Pray for the anesthesiologist that he will have wisdom in this area. Pray for Dr. Nichols that God would guide his hands during the procedure. Pray for Julie and me that we don't go crazy.

That about covers it. I will post again as soon as she is out of surgery and we have consulted w/ the surgeon.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

A PP'sPs about News III

New update:

We saw Dr. Nichols (surgeon) this evening and since she is so sedated from the meds, he wants to go ahead and do the surgery on her knee tomorrow afternoon. The surgery will be minimally invasive and only require a local anesthesia (sp). She won't even have bandages or a brace. He said it would only leave a few "nick holes" after he puts 4 screws in the bone. More power to him!
This is, of course, dependant upon agreement from the other docs on the case. I suppose we will hear for sure sometime in the morning.

Pray that this surgery will somehow aid in Christy's recovery from this illness.


A PP'sPs about News II

Well, not much new news this evening. She has remained relatively the same all day: barely responsive but resting well. Hopefully, we will see improvement soon.

I took the time this evening to have my poison oak/ivy looked at. I went to the local urgent treatment center and got a steroid shot, oral steroids, and a fresh dressing. I pray that my drama will be over so that I can concentrate on Christy.

Once again, thank you all for your fervent prayers. They are a fragrant offering to the Lord (and they smell pretty awesome to me too!).


A PP'sPs about News

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

First, the bad. Christy has not improved as far as her responsiveness. In fact, she may be less responsive today than yesterday. She is hard to wake up, and when she is awake, she is not talking much at all. We are hoping that this is medicine induced.

Now, the good. We talked to the infectious disease doc a few minutes ago. Apparently, we now have a name for what's ailing her. They believe we are dealing w/ an atypical bacterial pneumonia. So atypical that it was only discovered as a strain in around 1987. This diagnosis will allow them to narrow the treatment and be more aggressive. We are praying that this more focused and aggressive approach will be effective in getting her well.

I forgot to mention in previous posts that to complicate matters, I apparently came in contact with either poison oak or ivy before the incident and am now fighting itching, swelling, and oozing (great word!) over most of my left arm and a portion of my left leg. I could go insane at any time!

Anyway, we give God the glory for directing the docs to this diagnosis. We now pray that God will work through the treatment and bring about a miracle! I know that you are praying for the same and I am eternally grateful for you. Keep on keepin' on!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

A PP'sPs about BIPAPs


We are now dealing w/ another doc. Tonight, a new pulmonologist took her case. And as you can determine by the title, he suggested that she go back on the BIPAP to help her breathing and potentially calm her down and allow her to rest. This seems to me like a catch 22. On the one hand, the mask doesn't fit well and it aggravates her to no end. However, on the other hand, her best day (Thurs.) came after a full day on the blasted machine! So, we are praying that another round on the BIPAP will bring similar results. Please pray similarly.


A PP'sPs about Me

I know I haven't asked for it and I know you are doing it anyway, but I need you to be praying for me.

Because we have seen little to no improvement in the last two days, I am becoming more & more discouraged. All of the devil's weapons, doubt, worry, fear, frustration, etc. are setting in. I hate to see my wife in this condition. It's not fair. I also hate seeing her mother have to face this too. She doesn't deserve it either. I am especially frustrated b/c Christy had such a good day on Thursday. Now, things have deteriorated. Why is she not getting better? Why can't the doctors find a solid diagnosis and make it better? Too many questions, too little time.

Anyway, as you continue to pray for Christy and her physical health, remember Julie and me and our mental & emotional health. This sucks! Pray that it sucks less soon.


A PP'sPs about Updates VI

Saturday morning update on Christy:

Christy had a mildly difficult night. She had some disorientation as well as some anxiety aound 3am which was dealt with through medication. She was able to rest pretty well after that. She woke up this morning with continued disorientation, trying to get out of the bed. I was able to calm her down and she is now relaxing again. They are doing a breathing treatment right now, so, hopefully that will continue to keep her calm and breathing easily. Haven't seen any docs yet this am, but will update when we talk to them. Hoping to see pulmonologist, internal medicine, & infectious disease.

More info later.


Friday, August 8, 2008

A PP'sPs about Updates V

An evening update on Christy:

We talked to the neurologist this evening. He said that the second EEG was "unremarkable" which is good. He also said that his impression of the brain MRI was also "unremarkable". He will wait for the official radiology report to be sure.

So, it seems more and more that we are dealing w/ acute pneumonia. She is still on multiple antibiotics as well as diuretics to help dispose of all the fluids involved in all the IV meds. She is very drowsy and somewhat disoriented, mostly b/c of the meds. If I didn't mention it before, her knee surgery will now be postponed until at least Monday while she continues to stabilize.

Once again, we are overwhelmed by your prayers and concerns. We are thanking God for you!


A PP'sPs about Updates IV

Well, Christy has had a better afternoon. Her vitals have been pretty stable and she has been more coherent than she was this am. She's even been a little feisty. While her mom was trying to get her to eat, Christy told her that they were "gonna roll" if she kept forcing her to eat! Anyway, things have been good today.

She just got back from a brain MRI to see if anything is going on up there. Hopefully, we'll hear something on that soon.

She's had a few visitors which is great. Visiting hrs for the ICU are as follows:

9am - 4pm
5:30pm - 6:30pm
9pm - Midnight

If you want to visit, call my cell (859-361-0858) and we'll get you back to see her if she's up to it.

Thanks once again for your constant prayers. God is faithful!


A PP'sPs about Updates III

Well, Christy had a less-than-stellar night. Her vitals became less stable as #'s that were supposed to be high went down and #"s that were supposed to be low went up. She had a bronchoscopy (sp) this morning which further aggravated her, spiking her #'s.

The lung doc said that the bronchoscopy showed potential acute pneumonia, so they are working with that as a possibility for her illness.

The infection doc said that her fluid levels were a little high which could have contributed to her rough night, so they are decreasing her fluid intake.

They are about to do another EEG, so I'm gonna go for now. I'll post again later today.

Keep praying.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

A PP'sPs about Updates II

Well, today was a good day. Christy has been in good spirits most of the day and has had good reports from the docs. Her O2 levels have been good since coming off the breathing apparatus.

After talking to the orthopedic surgeon, as long as Christy remains stable through tomorrow, he will perform corrective surgery on her knee on Saturday. She will remain in ICU until the surgery and then return there after for recovery. We don't have any idea when she will be released from ICU or from the hospital, but we are encouraged by the recent developments. Please continue to pray for her as she anticipates this surgery. Also pray for Dr. Paul Nichols, a godly man, as he performs the surgery on Saturday.

Thanks again for all the calls, thoughts, and prayers. We can't verbalize how appreciative we are.


A PP'sPs about Updates

God is Great! This morning, Christy was able to remove the BI-PAP breathing apparatus! Her O2 levels are holding at 96-100% w/o the breathing help. What a blessing! She is mostly responsive, even though she's still a little loopy! We haven't talked to any docs yet this morning, so we don't know any further prognoses regarding the infection or the knee. I'll keep you updated throughout the day.

Thank everyone for your prayers and thoughts! They're working!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A PP'sPs about Christy

Well, many of you (2 people) have lots of questions about Christy and her condition. I will use this blog to update you on her condition over the next couple of days.

For those of you just finding out, Christy went to Maysville, KY for a meeting Tues. am, even though she didn't feel well and had gone to bed sick the night before. Throughout the morning, she had the sweats and chills. Finally, at about 11:30, she dropped her head and went into a full seizure, shaking and all. Her legs locked up with her chair and when the campus nurses tried to remove her, her knee got broken! She was eventually rushed to the local hospital and treated for seizure and broken knee. She was eventually transported to Central Baptist in Lexington, closer to all of her regular docs.

She was admitted and ran through a bunch of tests. The neurologist even did a spinal tap to rule out meningitis. Much blood was taken as well as much drugs! The pain from the knee was the most intense I have ever seen her endure. The pain lasted into the night, which brought on further issues. Her oxygen levels began to drop despite multiple breathing treatments. Finally, it was decided that she would go on a BI-PAP breathing machine full time and be moved to ICU. The mask for the breathing device was, of course, too big and aggravated her to no end.

The final conclusion that the docs came up with for the seizure as well as the subsequent drop in O2 was infection, either viral, bacterial, or fungal. She is currently on as many as 5 different antibiotics to combat the infection.

As of 9pm Wed., she has begun to show signs of stabilizing. Her vitals have regulated, albeit with the aid of the breathing apparatus, and she is much more responsive. The knee is still painful, but is also stabilized. The surgeon said that as soon as she is full stabilized, he wants to do surgery to repair the knee fracture. This will more than likely delay the double knee replacement by as much as 3-6 mos.

Well, you're probably as up to date as I am. Julie (Christy's mom) and I will be staying the night in the ICU waiting room, so pray for miraculous sleep!

I'll post updates as often as possible. Thanks for all your prayers.

The Passionate Pastor