Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A PP'sPs about Recovery

Well, we saw the orthopedic surgeon on Monday. He said that the broken knee is healing, but slowly. It's also not healing perfectly. The broken part has sunken a bit, causing one of the screws to start to push back. He didn't seem too concerned about that, but he did say that she could not put any weight on it yet. She will go back in 3 wks for another follow-up. He did say that she could start physical therapy, working on range-of-motion exercises.

We are optimistic, even if it is cautiously so. Her pain level is as low as it has been since her ordeal. We give God the glory for that. Continue to pray for healing in her knee so that she can return to work or have the replacement surgery.

Thanks again.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A PP'sPs about Injections

Christy was finally able to get her primary arthritis injection yesterday! Whoo hoo!
It will definitely take some time for it to take affect, but we are on the right track.
Yesterday was a tough day. She was in a lot of pain due to the arthritis. Hopefully, she will be feeling better soon.

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

A PP'sPs about Improvements

Sorry again for not keeping up with the blog.

We had several appts. yesterday. Christy had an EEG just to be sure that all is well there.
Christy also saw her pulmonologist and he said that her breathing should continually improve, but it could take some time. He also prescribed some meds for thrush she has developed in her throat.

Her rheumatologist was able to up her pain meds so that her pain is more manageable. He also said that as soon as infectious disease says that she's in the clear, she can go back on her Enbrel, which is her main arthritis injection drug. We wait anxiously for that day.

Basically, we are in a waiting game. Waiting for her breathing to improve and waiting to go back on the Enbrel.

Please pray for patience as we wait.

With much love,
