Saturday, August 9, 2008

A PP'sPs about BIPAPs


We are now dealing w/ another doc. Tonight, a new pulmonologist took her case. And as you can determine by the title, he suggested that she go back on the BIPAP to help her breathing and potentially calm her down and allow her to rest. This seems to me like a catch 22. On the one hand, the mask doesn't fit well and it aggravates her to no end. However, on the other hand, her best day (Thurs.) came after a full day on the blasted machine! So, we are praying that another round on the BIPAP will bring similar results. Please pray similarly.



Joanna said...

We will pray like we did with Jared, "That all things hidden would be revealed" and if there is something they aren't seeing they will see it. We also know that the Lord has supernatural peace and rest for you, Christy and her mom. We expect to see the Lord move in mighty ways and bring Christy into health and wholeness.
Sending lots of love and prayer for Texas!
Justin,Joanna,Elijah and Aubrey

mary-katherine said...

josh we are thinking of you and praying a lot. let us know if we can do anything. love you bunches, nicole, jerry and mary-katherine

Rachel said...

Josh, you and Christy are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Send Christy my love. Tell her we will keep her in our prayers. She is definately a great inspiration to us all. Tell her I said thank you for that. Sometimes a person carries a torche that helps everyone keeps theirs lit, when it seems ours are about to go out. Tell her that she is one of those people.

Just like a heart is working when it is really broken, faith is working when you feel like you lost it. It is still there and so is God.

Christy is a great lady, and no one could do what she has done or is doing quite the same way. I am glad she has someone who loves her like you do. Love... the greatest commandment. The greatest gift one can give or receive.

Josh Hildebrand said...

Who is wildflower?

No offense, I hope.


Anonymous said...

wildflower is Joy Baker PA, I worked at the Rheumatology Center. I meant to put my name but submitted before I got the chance. God Bless.

Carol said...

Josh, Got your update about Christy when I got in from work. Sure glad things are looking better. Hope you & Julie got some rest. I think you are right about the prayer warriors. There a lot out there. Keep on keeping the faith and things will keep getting better. Love Carol & Buddy.