Sunday, June 13, 2010

A PP'sPs About Refocusing

It's time to refocus.

In the past, this blog has been an attempt to inform and reflect regarding my personal life and the issues that I've endured. It has allowed me to mourn, vent, dream, and praise. Now on the other side of the storm, I've decided to refocus my thoughts and expressions.

One of my personal struggles as a Christian and especially as a pastor has been faithful reading of God's Word. I'm not a big reader in the first place, so it has always been a fight to keep myself in a consistent habit of reading my Bible. Lately, God has been convicting me of this. I've been praying for motivation and have been blessed over the past several weeks as the habit of daily Scripture reading has been reestablished in my life. (I know, I should be ashamed of myself as a pastor for not reading the Word every single day. Trust me, I am!)

So impressed by the importance of reading God's Word regularly, God led me to preach on the subject on Sunday. To further motivate me and the church and to encourage unity within the church, I have decided to commit to posting daily on this blog my thoughts and feelings regarding the assigned passage for the day (We are using the reading schedule in the back of the ESV Study Bible).

So, the focus of this blog will shift from my personal issues to pastoral reflections on God's Word for public discussion and potential edification for all involved. I invite anyone who stumbles across this blog to comment and interact with us and God's Word. My ultimate goal is the glorification of Almighty God and the edification of His people.

Thank you to all who read and commented over the past few years. More importantly, I want to thank you for your prayers. God has been faithful and has blessed abundantly.

To God be the Glory,



Julie said...


If you post your daily scripture readings I'll do my best to keep up.

Love ya,

The Hibbard Family said...

Josh - Doug has downloaded ESV Bible readings that he can listen to each day. It doesn't replace reading, of course, but it's brought a fresh dimension to the larger daily reading "assignments" (for lack of a better term). I don't know if it goes hand in hand with the schedule in the ESV Study Bible, but it might be worth looking into - especially for any auditory learners in your congregation. I'm not sure where he found them but I know they were free. I could find out if you're interested.