Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A PP'sPs About Evil

Today's Texts: Proverbs 10, Deut. 16:18-17:20, Amos 1:1-2:5, Philemon vv. 23-25

I want to begin by going back to yesterday's post and acknowledge that for some, the storm has not yet passed. I want to first assure you that if I'm aware of your particular storm, I am praying for you as you endure. Second, I want to also assure you that, somehow, some way, your storm will pass. Finally, I want to assure you that regardless of the length or severity of your storm, God is with you. I'll say it again: God is with you. He IS your refuge.

Now to today's texts.

Once again, I am drawn to the text in Deut. In this passage, God is making sure that His people know and understand how bad evil is (This idea is confirmed in Amos. Wow!). God, through Moses, is warning the Israelites not to accept evil in their society. It must be exterminated.

Once again, I am convicted by God's Word. I have become entirely too accepting and approving of evil's influence in my life, primarily through the trash that I willingly watch on TV. Just because it's funny or entertaining, doesn't mean it's okay. I could be doing so much with the time that I expose myself to "downlifting" (the opposite of "uplifting") stuff.

The bottom line is confirmed in 17:1. God requires and deserves our very best. Is allowing ourselves to take in the shows, movies, music, relationships, etc. that downlift instead of uplift giving our very best?

God, give me the strength and motivation to exterminate the evil that I've allowed into my life. Continue to make me wise through your Word, moving me further and farther away from Folly. Amen.

Seeking to give my very best,


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