Monday, November 24, 2008

A PP'sPs about the Pulpit

I love to preach!

Yesterday, I was able to get back to doing something I love. Being back in the pulpit was a true blessing. Plus, I had been given an exciting word from God that had been festering in my heart for over a month. I thought I was going to explode!
Having the opportunity to share such a personal gift like that word from God with my church was awesome. Watching God work as I opened my mouth and He spoke was a great experience. Hearing the responses from those in attendance further confirmed the Author of the Word. God is Great and He is doing something great at Pleasant Green Baptist Church. I just feel honored to be able to be the pastor as God does His work here. I pray that I will have the energy and focus to help lead my church through this work of God.

Please pray the same.

Back in the Saddle,


1 comment:

JonathanG said...

It's great to hear that you're back in the saddle. We should get together whenever you are in Louisville next. I miss you brother and I'm praying for you. Have a great Thanksgiving.