Friday, November 14, 2008

A PP'sPs about The Next Big Thing

This morning (at 5 am while NOT sleeping!) I asked God to prepare me for whatever big thing He is going to do in my life and ministry as a direct result of Christy's life and passing.

I believe with all my heart that God is going to use this tragedy to bring something potentially ground-breaking and phenomenal into my sphere of influence...I'm just not ready.

I don't want the responsibility of being used by God right now. I just want to crawl in a hole and die. Not very inspiring, huh? Not very pastoral either. And so I ask you as my family, friends, and support system to pray that God will either do a miraculous work in quickly preparing me for whatever it is that He's bringing, or, that He will delay this monumental revelation until I can be restored. I thank you in advance.

To Him be the Glory,



Julie said...

I will gladly do as you have asked.

Momma J

The Hibbard Family said...

Several years ago in the middle of a very trying time, God led me to this quote by George MacDonald...
"All of God's processes are slow. The works of God take time and cannot be rushed."
I guarantee you, my friend, you will wake up one day and realize not that you are ready to be used in a tremendous way, but that you HAVE been used in a tremendous way without even realizing it was possible. The very prayers you are asking for have been being prayed over you since the moment I heard the news. The fact that you're seeking those prayers now specifically shows that God is working on you even now. Hang in there! You are loved!

Kristen said...

We are praying for you that God continues to provide exactly what you need at just the right time. He is moving and doing a mighty thing in you and around you at this very moment. If you ever are awake in the middle of the night Jon works the graveyard shift and is always there to listen. Our prayers continue to be with you!!

Carol said...

Pastor Josh, As you may not have noticed, but I changed my greeting. Bro Gregg told us in a sermon the other Sunday that we were supposed to address you as Bro or Pastor not just Josh, because you are not just Josh. You are our pastor and until you choose to tell us different you are still our pastor and we are looking forward to seeing you back with us real soon. I know it will be difficult for you, but the Lord is still your Heavenly Father and He is with you and will always be there for you. We are still praying for you and will continue to do so. Yours in Christ always, Carol

Dianne said...

When Jared passed away last year I had a mental picture of us walking on a path with family and friends. There was a small path that went down into a valley that we had to go on trusting that we would come out at sometime on the other side to join those again. The valley of weeping cannot be rushed and should not be. In that deep anguish and grief there is a healing salve that comes. I can't explain it but I think you know what I mean. Our culture tries to pull us along(or I should say drag us along) to get on the other side. I resist that and resent it. The pain you feel is a reaffirmation that we live in a fallen broken world that He came to redeem and one day will make into a new creation. That is the truth. Not a myth or fairy tale. Anyway,as Jo will tell you I am long winded so I wiil end. We think of you a lot and stand with you. Terry Waters P.S. I cannot do praise songs yet. I can worship but not the "joy" songs.

Felicia said...

I can just nearly promise that it won't be quick! I echo Ann's comment. I also want to let you know that there have been months on end when all I could pray was,
"God, I don't know how to walk this road." God will not rush you. He made you, cherishes you, and will supply ALL your grieving & living needs according to His riches in day at a time. He's not in a hurry for you to move on to the next thing.
Love ya.